Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mixed Feelings!

MeDsi Interview!

1. Scared.
2. Excited.
3. Dissapointed.
4. Nervous.
5. Torn.

This is my future. But, I'm torn between two; TESL or APB?

I like TESL because my time as an Asasian was a blast! And all of that was thanks to my friends, especially the members of Lemon Syrup on Weekends. They made it meaningful, memorable and colourful. But now, many of them are going away on APB or probably on some other courses.

I have promised myself and to my beloved seniors that I would want to continue their legacy of the Ethos Society! They had made me realised that I want to help other people instead of myself.

Thinking I would have to walk down on Tesl Square and turn to my left and right and would not be able to find my sisters there just make me blank. Things definitely would be different w/o them around.

But I talked to some of them and they told me the most vital thing; that I would work hard to nail the interview tomorrow on their behalf. I PROMISE I would give it my best shot. And if things are meant to be, I would end up as a Teslian but if not, I'll go and join them in APB. All the best and AMIN!