Saturday, April 3, 2010


One of the most difficult situation to be in is when you are misunderstood. Or, in other words, people misundestands you.

She admit it, she has changed. She has changed into a better person. She has seen her flaws and mistakes that she had been doing before. After going through such journey of recovering herself, she has made a decision to "make it up" for the things she said and did or didn't. She is currently searching for a suitable time to do that. But people misunderstood her.

She wants to do this more than anything else in the world. She wants to clear things up and tell them the secrets she kept all these years of unspoken bitter heart of her. But they are living their lives and busy; she understands that well. She does not want to do it through a call or a text. She wants to do it FACE TO FACE with them.

She knows better than to just do it through the phone. She wants it to be special, to be true and the words that are about to be given birth to MUST be sincere and came all the way from her heart. YES people, she wants to have a heart-to-heart conversation with you. She wants to apologise for her mistakes, she wants to open up her heart and she wants to do it by looking in your eyes and pour out the depths of her heart.

But then, she is being misunderstood. Her changes are arrogance to their eyes. Her gratefulness to one is her not being thankful to the other. They haven't even met her and then they judge her like she was some kind of convicts who massacred thousand of people around the world. How it hurt her to see such words being potrayed from the ones she loves the most. There are things she can't say in this blog, there are things far more valuable than any post on any of her blogs and there are words so deep that are only meant to be heard by the ones she's about to dedicate it to. Many things are left unsaid in her heart. And yet they shut her down before she could even try to speak. She is being misunderstood by the people she calls FRIENDS.

All her life, people misunderstood her for not saying things she should have said. And now when she's ready to open her heart, they shut her down before she could even speak of a word. She is devastated. Devastated and heart-broken.

1 comment:

  1. aku rase aku slalu mcm position kau.ape2 pon, kau sabar je la betol la, sampai bile kite bole sbr kan kalo org masih treat kite camtuh kan.
    Just tell urself, kau dah cuba.but mende nih tak menyebelahi kau.anitin kau ade prob, jgn malu bgtau aku okayy :)
