Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Moment of Time: Part 1

She was watching others when she smells something. She smelt the first sign of rain.

She turned around to ensure her smelling sense was not wrong. Again, her nose was filed with the fumes of the rain-to-come. She looked at the sky and sees it. She saw the dark clouds that was carrying tons of water in it. She saw the Mother who was about to give birth to her Child. The Cloud was the mother and the Rain was the Child. Then, something warm and familiar came to her. It hugged her. She let them embraced him. The Wind was a friend, her friend. This friend loves to hug her. To dance around her skin and touch her soul. She is always touched with this friend, the Wind. She looked around to see the Trees. The Trees were nodding, saying yes, the Rain is coming. She smiled. Just then, she heard the Thunder. The Thunder was welcoming the Rain to pour the blessing from The Almighty to Earth. The Thunder was at joy that it shook the sky.

It was true then. Rain is coming. And it came. She saw at the drop, one-by-one. He could see it wet the road, giving shower to all living things on Earth. She looked back at her friends. Her friend knew what she wanted to do. They forbid her from doing it. She smiled. They jumped at her!

Friends: Don't even think of it! You'll catch cold!

She: I won't.

Before they could stop her, she walked towards the Rain. She indulged herself with one of the beauty of nature. She raised her hand to the Sky and grasped the pouring water in her hand. She felt it. When science said that Rain can't be touched, her skin made contact with it. Science lied. She opened her legs to let it walk loosely on the road. She felt the Rain coming down to her-making her feel alive. She felt the drops wandering around her body as Gravity pulled them down. It tickled, a bit. She saw the green Field. She saw the side-table that was facing the greenish Field. She decided it would be a great pit-stop for this moment. And she sat there.

She watched the Field. She could see the Rain making the Field wet. She saw it all. The Wind came along and joined the lively moment. Again, the Wind touched her skin slowly with delicacy. People say that the Rain is too cold for us. How she wished everyone could know that was wrong. The Rain was soft as it cuddled her. Giving warmth and yet was chilling. She felt the warmth sticking out to her bones. It dived into her lungs and soul. It was a feeling she has longed from her previous encounter with the Rain. Suddenly, before she knew it, a figure was already standing beside her. It was a friend. She had an umbrella above her. The umbrella sheltered both of them from the Rain.

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